09 January 2008

the system is sick

I am becoming increasingly aware of the fact that we live within a broken system; a system paralysed by selfishness - the dominance of the consumer that surely is the result of the insidious spread of the market economy to all aspects of society; any reform pegged back by a disgusting onion of corruption all the way down. They say it is a swamp with many alligators; I say let us slaughter the alligators, drain the swamp, spread sand and become as gladiators, and battle for our interests.

Why should I hold my tongue on an issue, merely because it has come to pass that to criticise those who supposedly possess 'power' provokes a childish snatching and gathering of sovereignty in order to preserve some sort of internal face; how dare someone make a suggestion! This system is trapped in a terrible equilibrium; so long as people are too afraid of the repercussions of their actions to act, then the repercussions will hold the power, will remain terrible.

I intend to dig, and dig, and dig into the onion; surely there is a point at which one can turn the corruption in on itself, destroy it, improve the system if only in part.

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